With more people working from home and sitting more frequently throughout the day, it’s no wonder more of us need some tips to help keep our body strong while we sit all day. For people who aren’t used to sitting all day long, these exercises will help guide you forward in maintaining good physical shape and proper physical health during your remote working days. These [...]
The Amazing Benefits of Daily Exercise
There are so many benefits of daily exercise that we just had to feature the most important benefits today. Exercising refers to any physical activity you include in your daily routine. This could be a simple brisk walk, a cardio workout, or yoga. We’re not here to tell you which daily exercise routines you should include in your life, rather feature some of the amazing [...]
The Benefits of Taking a Daily Walk
Taking one walk every day is a beneficial way to lose some weight and feel good. Just a short, 30-minute brisk walk every day will help reduce anxiety and stress all the while helping reduce belly fat. With so many people being cooped up for months on end, the concept of taking a walk can help provide more benefits than not. Today we’re going to dive into the topic of [...]
The Pros & Cons of Running with a Face Mask On
Many regions are requiring a face mask regardless of what you’re doing. This face mask must be worn outside, inside, and wherever you go. Some regions do say that you don’t have to wear a face mask while running but other regions of the world say that it doesn’t matter what you’re doing, the face mask must be worn. This has brought up much discussion as to whether one should [...]
Tips to Improve Your Posture
Many of you are working remotely or sitting at a desk for hours upon hours. This type of work can be trying on your back and other muscles. When you sit at a desk for long hours, you’ll start to slouch. This isn’t done on purpose most times. Slouching seems to slowly creep in as we sit tirelessly typing away at the computer for 8-10 hour days. You’ve probably noticed that [...]