We all know that things wear down from use, weather, and plain age over time. While old, worn-down items aren’t usually remarkable, it can be pretty interesting to see what the test of time has done to certain items and materials in our lives. It makes you think about time, old age, and change; weirdly, something is calming and reassuring. Join us as we look at this collection of photos of things worn down over time that people have shared online.
#1: Time to Replace the Sign
To start our list, let’s look at this sign that has warped over time thanks to the weather conditions and the sun. The sign initially read – and quite clearly at that – “Do not chain bikes to gas pipes; bikes will be removed.” Now, it’s relatively straightforward that this sign has been through it. And it’s no longer clear to read!

Now, is it just me, or does this sign now look very sinister? The font has warped over time because of the weather, making the whole thing rather creepy. I know that if I saw this sign, I would follow its rules. It’s just a little creepy!