Most of us would consider a warm, sunny day to be absolute perfection, but nature often serves us with anything but perfect weather. From wildfires to wild temperature changes, there’s always something going on in the world that pushes us humans out of our comfort zone. We like to think we are invincible, but really, we are minuscule compared to the forces of nature. These pictures shared by people around the U.S. are proof that sometimes Mother Nature puts us back in our place and reminds us that we are, after all, only human.
#1: Summer Sun
Love it or hate it, summer is a season most people associate with sunshine and warm air. Not in England, though. Summer is a different beast in most parts of the country, and this photo proves it. Want to go out for a nice August walk while the sun is shining? Don’t count on it.

The sun may be shining one minute, but an extreme summer storm can hit at any minute. Thunderstorms during the summer months are quite common in England, so most people are probably used to dealing with them. This photo is pretty breathtaking, even if it looks a bit ominous. Who knew the sky could get that dark during the day?