Beneath the frenetic pulse of emergency lights and the rhythmic beeping of life-saving machines lies the assurance of modern medicine: the hospital. This bastion of health stands ready to embrace both the chronically ill and the fortuitously healthy, offering solace in the knowledge that it exists for our direst moments. It's a place we all hope to seldom need, yet it's the [...]
Bound By Flesh United In Legacy The Extraordinary Tale Of Eng And Chang Bunker The Original Siamese Twins
Embarking on a life journey that defies the ordinary, Chang and Eng Bunker, the renowned Siamese Twins, carved a narrative of resilience and triumph out of their unique circumstances. Emerging from the shadows of indigence in Siam, the conjoined brothers were thrust into the limelight of Western curiosity, paraded as exotic oddities. Despite the relentless tide of adversity, [...]
The Best Travel Shows on Netflix to Stream This Summer
We might not be able to fly these days and take the much-anticipated summer trip we've been dreaming of all throughout the winter, but it doesn't mean we can't escape, even momentarily, to a far-away land. You can always read a good book that ships you off to a different reality, and then there are plenty of travel shows on Netflix that can provide a momentary escape. Here are [...]
These People Are Famous Thanks to Their Extraordinary Looks
Since childhood, our parents have been trying to teach us that beauty comes in different shapes and sizes. Whether we are too tall, too short, or self-conscious about our ears, growing up, many of us wished we look like someone else. Unfortunately, physical appearance has always been an important part of our lives, and probably always will be. These people struggled with their [...]
Traditional Wedding Dresses From Around the World
Different cultures around the world differ in almost every aspect, from social norms and conventions to food, religious rituals and holidays. Yet, there's one thing all cultures around the world share, and that's the importance of weddings - celebrating the sacred union between two people and their love for one another. Despite going through changes, wedding traditions have [...]
Travel Hacks For Your Next Vacation
For most people, there’s nothing better than a good vacation. Whether you’re a beach bum, city tourist, or looking to get away on a remote retreat, vacationing means packing up luggage and staying away from home in a new place. Unless you take a “staycation,” you can’t escape the fact that you’ll be laying your head where countless others have and lugging your items from home, [...]
Sometimes, Travel Photos Do Not Turn Out As Expected
Picture this: you have planned for years for the perfect vacation. Flights were booked, hotels researched and rooms explored, and attractions and restaurants analyzed and organized. You have finally made it to your dream destination and now want nothing more than to capture the beautiful trip on camera. You line up for the shot, click the shutter, and turn your camera to look [...]
Stuff That Happens Only in the US – Don’t Ask Us Why
There are some things that you have to be American to get. Each place on earth is different. Different countries have different habits, norms, likes, and dislikes, as well as different types of food and products that you can buy. There are lots of things that are unique to our great nation. Things that only we Americans do or buy or eat. Being American, you might not even know [...]
Singapore Is The Only Place To Get These Weird Things
Unless you've never been to Singapore before, you should read this before you arrive. If you've been fortunate enough to visit the city previously, you'll recognize some of the jargon in the following paragraphs. Singapore is a one-of-a-kind nation, home to attractions and experiences that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. There will be dishes that are not [...]
Some of the Most Enticing Aspects of South Korea That Drive Our Interest in Visiting There
There are almost 4,000 people islands that make up South Korea, and each of these islands has its own fascinating history and narrative. Not too long ago, South Korea was a rather obscure country that was still in the process of growing its economy and opening up to the rest of the globe. This, however, is gradually changing, and right now it is considered to be one of the most [...]
Traditional Wedding Dresses From Around the World
Different cultures around the world differ in almost every aspect, from social norms and conventions to food, religious rituals and holidays. Yet, there's one thing all cultures around the world share, and that's the importance of weddings - celebrating the sacred union between two people and their love for one another. Despite going through changes, wedding traditions have [...]
Traditional Wedding Dresses From Around the World
Different cultures around the world differ in almost every aspect, from social norms and conventions to food, religious rituals and holidays. Yet, there's one thing all cultures around the world share, and that's the importance of weddings - celebrating the sacred union between two people and their love for one another. Despite going through changes, wedding traditions have [...]
These People Are Famous Thanks to Their Extraordinary Looks
Since childhood, our parents have been trying to teach us that beauty comes in different shapes and sizes. Whether we are too tall, too short, or self-conscious about our ears, growing up, many of us wished we look like someone else. Unfortunately, physical appearance has always been an important part of our lives, and probably always will be. These people struggled with their [...]
50 Rules in Japan that Foreigners Have Trouble Understanding
Japan is a whole lot different than it is anywhere else in the world. You’re probably well aware of how disciplined people are and how clean the environment is, but there are several rules, many of which or unwritten, that everyone needs to follow. Yes, this includes foreigners who are visiting The Land of the Rising Sun. Here are 50 rules that you should know by heart before [...]
50 Photos That Really Put Things Into Perspective
Did you know that Cleopatra’s reign was closer to our time period than it was to the building of the pyramids? It’s pretty difficult to perceive that the Giza Pyramids were already ancient when she was ruled over the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. This is a simple example of how our perceptions are twisted over such a simple thing as time. We don’t have to look very far or travel [...]