The battle of the generations is a real thing on the Internet, and now it’s the Millennials’ turn. People shared memes and tweets to make you realize that age may be just a number, but that number is getting bigger every year. These pictures will do the job if you want to look back and reminisce—and realize how old you’re getting. From relieving memories from your childhood to understanding certain adults in cartoons and kid’s movies, each of these images is designed to hit you right where it hurts. So enjoy the show, but sit down first; you’ll need a chair, old man.
#1: Being Alone Isn’t a Bad Thing
When we are kids, we might sympathize and compare ourselves to Cindy, wondering if the Grinch feels lonely or needs a friend. Or maybe you feel bad for the Grinch, having been alone as well, and knowing what that feels like. So it is understandable why the Grinch is grumpy, right?

However, as you get older, life becomes more hectic. You have a job, a family to take care of, neverending chores and responsibilities, and social obligations. Having some time to yourself may not be so bad after all. And living up on a mountain where no one can get to you? Perfection.