The Isssue at Hand is That There is Widespread Misunderstanding.
A poster by the name of @homebedcats shared a humorous tale about the circumstances surrounding the meeting of her parents. A wedding is a lovely and charming venue for telling the story of how the couple first met (and a little cliche). When her mother first met her father, she was instantly taken with him, but she made a few hasty assumptions that harmed their early connection. Her mother is the one who raised her daughter.
Her mother made the assumption that the man her daughter was dating only communicated with her in Spanish because that was the only language that was spoken at the wedding. She was unable to converse with him for a period of several months due to her poor command of the Spanish language. What a weight off our shoulders it was to learn that he had English proficiency all along. It’s funny how long he forced her go through the pain before he finally told her the truth.