Whether trying to maintain a social life, getting enough sleep, or just being a functioning human being, we are constantly faced with different challenges in our everyday lives. When everything starts to feel too intense, there will always be Comiclicious comic strips to calm the nerves. The mastermind behind these genius cartoons, Liv, addresses all the things that we deal with behind the scenes in our daily lives that no one ever really talks about… And that’s what makes her art so appealing. We have compiled a list of her most accurate and relevant cartoons to remind you that everyone sometimes feels slightly hopeless.
#1: Finally…
Why are we always there whenever we need to do something for others, but when it comes to doing the right thing for ourselves, we can never achieve the same outcome? It is about time that we put ourselves first. Putting ourselves first sounds like a good idea, but how does one even do that?

We can put ourselves first in plenty of ways, but staying up all night on our phones probably isn’t one of them. Even though it might seem like a good idea at the time, staying up late on our phones is not putting ourselves first. All it does is make us feel more tired than we already were and anxious about getting enough sleep for the next day.