Maternal Genes: The Main Source of Intellect
In attributing your intellectual prowess, you might be quick to credit your diligent study habits and countless hours burning the midnight oil. However, it turns out that being a quick thinker may be more than just a product of hard work. In fact, our innate disposition towards astuteness is partly due to genetics, and specifically from our mothers. While both parents contribute to a child’s overall intelligence, certain facets are primarily inherited from the mother. This is a result of intelligence genes being carried on the X chromosome. With women having two of these chromosomes compared to men’s single X chromosome, mom’s contribution to your brainpower might be more significant than you think.

Research indicates that intelligent women tend to give birth to highly intelligent children, more often than their male counterparts. Consequently, if you’re celebrating a promotion at work, it might be the perfect time to express gratitude to your mother for her intellectual genes.