Maternal Inheritance Shapes the Evolution of the Immune System
Undoubtedly, the immune system is a vital defense mechanism of the human body. Its primary role is to safeguard our health by warding off illnesses. However, it’s important to note that not everyone is equipped with the same level of immune strength. Some individuals may have a more vulnerable immune system than others. Interestingly, a significant portion of a person’s immune system development is attributed to their mother’s genetic contribution, leading to observable similarities in immune responses between mothers and their children.

The state of your health may be more closely tied to your mother’s than you might think. If she tends to fall ill frequently, it’s likely you might share the same susceptibility. Conversely, if your mother boasts a robust health record, you’re likely to enjoy a similar level of wellness. Intriguingly, this isn’t solely attributed to genetics. Evidence suggests that our health is also shaped by conditions experienced in utero.