3. A List of Things You Should Have at 30
About to hit the big 3 – 0? Congrats! 30 is a great age. While you’re not old at all, it’s definitely that age that really makes you realize what an adult you’ve become. It’s wonderful. It’s also a great time to sit, reflect, and realize exactly what you have now that you’ve hit the big 30. Take a look at this genius tweet below to get what I mean.

Never thought 30 would turn out this way, huh? Possibly my favorite item on this list (other than anxiety) is sleep deprivation, as how does it feel like I never get enough sleep? I could sleep for weeks if given the chance. However, I also greatly enjoy the list item “Tupperware with half the lids missing”, as I truly have no idea where most of my Tupperware lids are.