Beets are properly called beetroots and are a popular root vegetable that people either love or hate. These veggies hold a lot of nutrients for the human body, and so you may want to learn a bit more about the benefits of these red veggies to reconsider your decision on not eating them.
There are many ways to enjoy beets. You can grate fresh beets to place on top of salads. You can pickle beets for added flavor. You can roast, boil or steam them with herbs and seasonings as a side dish. The options are endless for adding beets into your daily diet.
Many Nutrients
Beets carry a lot of nutrients to include protein, fiber, Vitamin C, folate, Vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium, and iron. Beets also have nitrates, and pigments which are essential nutrients for proper body and brain function.
Promotes Healthy Heart
Beets are a fabulous option for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Consuming beets regularly can help reduce your blood pressure by 4-10 mmHg within just a few hours. This reduction in blood pressure typically lowers your systolic pressure. You’ll find consuming raw beets provides more healthy heart benefits than cooked beets.
Enhances Athletic Performance
Beets contain nitrates which help increase energy and in turn have been shown to enhance athletic performance. Consuming beets regularly helps increase your body’s nitrate levels which can increase oxygen by 20%. This helps reduce fatigue and increase energy in your everyday life.
Improve Digestive Health
One cup of beetroot contains approximately 3.4 grams of fiber. Fiber is what helps your digestive system run properly and effectively. Consuming beets regularly will help you improve your digestive health so that you can have a healthy gut, which will boost brain health and mental health.
Supports Brain Health
As you age you’ll start to lose memory and other brain function due to a decrease in oxygen among other things. Consuming beets in your daily diet can help support brain health and perhaps decrease the risk of dementia. Since beets have been shown to increase oxygen and improve blood flow to the frontal lobe, they’ll help support your brain during the aging process.
Easy to Include in your Diet
Lastly, when you think about beets there are so many options to include them in your diet. You can enjoy beetroot salad, grind them up for smoothies, toss them into a juicer, and drink beet juice. You can even consume beet leaves like you would spinach and other leafy greens for added health benefits.
These are just some of the many amazing reasons to eat more beets. We know that beets don’t taste that delicious, but we hope you’ll overlook the flavor and realize the benefits far outweigh the taste.