Raise your hand if you don’t like to work out every week. It’s not that you don’t want to improve your body, it’s just that your mind is tricking you by telling you its too much work today. You don’t have to worry about that anymore, because we found some workouts that can lift the burdens of despair and gloom from your weary workout mind. The best tip – whether your workout involves jumping, cycling, hiking, or swimming, make sure its an activity that you enjoy.

1. Make a game out of it
The first way to beat the workout blues is by getting yourself a Nintendo Wii game system and move around! You can buy workout games and play them with your friends and family using the joystick. It makes “working out” that much easier by challenging your hand and eye coordination and giving you a fun excuse to win over your friends too!
2. An expert’s tip
You can go to the mountains and begin with a leisurely hike through the woods. The hills and breathtaking scenery will take your mind off the arduous and long miles you have until you reach the next camp for the night. It will help increase blood circulation in your body, breathing in that clear and thin air, and the workout won’t feel so bad when you’re creating great memories like these.
3. For the party-lovers
If you’re a city slicker, you can attend a silent DJ party and burn off all those extra calories you made during the week. A silent DJ party is one where every person has their headset with different dancing music playing in it. You can dance all night long, burning as many calories as you need to all in the name of partying. This tip applies to any kind of party, of course.

4. Cycling
Biking outside on a trail for 20 miles down the road is another good option. For those of you who like indoor cycling, you can sign up for Peloton or Soul Cycle classes with others. These classes have professional instructors who can make you laugh as well as help you finish any workout that you begin. The great thing about this option is that it can be indoors or outdoors and cost almost nothing, with your own bike, or as much as you’re willing to pay.
5. Like a fish in a pond
Do you enjoy water sports? You’re in luck, then, because there are beginner surfing classes and aquatic dancing classes that you can take during any season. Some are indoor dancing classes in a pool with others, while some are outdoor classes teaching you how to surf in the ocean; just make sure you watch out for the sharks! Just Kidding. If you’re more of a hands-on climbing person, you can take up indoor rock climbing. Indoor climbing can be great for beginners too because you don’t have to reach the top of the wall in order to get a workout. You can combine this activity by going to an indoor trampoline gym, where you can jump to your heart’s delight and relieve stress at the same time.