Who hasn’t had a late-night craving? Although it is said that eating before bed is a weight-gain guarantee, opting for a healthy snack could actually be beneficial, as it will help to control cravings and blood sugar. We all know by now what foods we’re ought to avoid avoid before bed, now take a look at these snacks that can actually promote and enhance sleep quality (and are also surprisingly delicious).
During this time when we spend entire days at home, we feel like eating has become our main attraction. Eating healthy is always important (not to sound too preachy), but now it is even more crucial. We’re not suggesting you should always ignore those late-night snack cravings, but we’re to share how you could make these unplanned meals beneficial.
Boiled eggs
If you didn’t have time to prepare dinner at a reasonable hour, and you find yourself hungry at, say, 9 pm, having a big meal isn’t a good idea. Hard boiled eggs is a great choice for a snack before bedtime, since they are rich in protein and low in calories (a perfect combination for people watching their weight or working out regularly), and it’a a very filling snack. We really don’t have any down sides here.
You really thought you could find a healthy food list without fruits on it? Anyone knows that fruits and vegetables are a big part of a healthy lifestyle. However, some fruits are more beneficial than others, depending on your goals. If your goal is to have better sleep quality, then bananas, oranges, kiwi, berries and tart cherries are the best choice you could make before going to bed.
Whole-grain toast
To go along with your boiled egg. This quick and easy-to-make snack not only provides us with protein and fiber, but also is low in calories. Just add a scoop of guacamole on it for extra richness and enjoy this healthy snack before going to bed. It could even become one of your favorite sleep-inducing foods. Try this next time you find yourself hungry late at night and share the results.
Nonfat Greek yogurt
Greek yogurt had to be included in this list, since it is not only loaded with protein, but it also contains tryptophan, a vitamin that contributes to a good sleep. Once our bodies consume foods with high levels of tryptophan, it converts it into serotonin and melatonin, which are hormones that enhance sleep quality. Yogurt is a light snack – it isn’t really a meal – but it’s surprisingly fulfilling as well.
Baby carrots
When you’re suddenly feeling hungry close to bedtime, a fried snack, pizza, ice-cream or even a bag of chips sounds like the best choice of food at the moment, but as dreamy as they might sound, going to bed shortly after eating any of those interrupts your sleep quality. We hate to be the ones breaking this news, but instead, when you’re feeling those nighttime cravings, try some baby carrots, that are higher in fiber and will definitely have significantly less calories than any of the other choices.
Whichever type of nuts you prefer, nuts are known for being a great source of heart-healthy fats. Almonds and walnuts are two of the best among these choices, because they are high in fiber and protein, which gives you a filled up sensation, as well as magnesium and selenium that helps you fall asleep. Nuts are also high in melatonin, which helps to control your sleep/wake cycle. One lat important advice: it’s always better to soak nuts before eating them, since the soaking allow their nutritious value to better absorb in your body.