#20: Don’t Go Overboard With Blush
In the ever-shifting landscape of makeup trends, some classics stand the test of time, firmly rooted in our beauty routines. Blush, that trusty favorite, has been a steadfast companion for what feels like an eternity, and its reign shows no sign of waning. A mere touch of blush can work wonders, infusing our complexion with a hint of vibrant color.

But, as with all good things, moderation is key. When does the application of blush veer into the territory of overdoing it? If your cheeks start to resemble a valiant effort to mask sunburn or a product of hours spent cozying up to a roaring fire, it might be time to dial it back a notch. A valuable rule of thumb: aim to apply just enough blush to replicate the natural, rosy hue of your cheeks.