Dogs have been man’s best friend for countless generations and today there are more varieties of dogs than ever before. New dog varieties are being developed all the time to meet our insatiable appetite for cute, cuddly, hard-working, and loyal pets. The result of all this specialty breeding has been pretty extraordinary. Not only do we have some of the cutest dogs ever, we have dog breeds that look like stuffed animals instead. Let us take a look at ten amazing dog breeds that are quite eye-catching.
- Pomeranian
The quintessential “looks like a toy” dog. With its diminutive legs, tiny feet, enormous eyes, and extra-fluffy coat, this small dog looks like it stepped right out of a cartoon. It is a very active type of dog and always up to mischief. This little dog is also exceptionally agile.
- Chow Chow
This dog breed is originally from northern China, where it is referred to as Songshi Quan, which means “puffy-lion dog” and that’s what it looks like. This dog has a proud, independent spirit and it’s quite loyal. It does well in cold weather – obviously.
- Chinese Shar-Pei
Sometimes called “wrinkle dogs” and for good reason! These dogs have massive folds of skin that flop over on its face and body, giving it the appearance of something more like mashed potatoes. Shar-peis have great personalities to make up for their slightly odd appearances.
- Akita Inu
Originating from the mountainous northern regions of Japan, the Akita Inu is a powerful, independent and dominant breed, commonly aloof with strangers but affectionate with family. It looks a bit like a fox.
- Bichon Frise Dog
This cheerful, small dog breed is a handful – it’s loveable and mischievous. With a fluffy white fur and charcoal eyes, the Bichon looks like a toy. Because it can be taught tricks easily, it is a wonderful child’s companion.
- Samoyed
The gentle Samoyed is a calm dog that bonds easily with people and is great with children. It also gets along well with strangers and other animals. While it looks like a stuffed dog, it is very active and needs daily exercise. Samoyed barks a lot, so be prepared.
- Puli
Another so-called “mop dog”, this dog sports long, tightly curling ringlets that form naturally. When the hair is allowed to grow, it takes on the appearance of an old yarn mop. Despite its odd look, the puli has loads of fans. It is a frequent participant in dog shows around the world.
- Tibetan Mastiff
This huggable dog is a hardy, fearless, and very loyal. It has large, dark eyes that take in everything and has long been valued as a very loyal watchdog. This breed of dog comes all the way from the highlands of Tibet.
- Alaskan Malamute
This Alaskan native was bred to pull sleds in harsh terrain and brutal climates. It’s cute when it’s small but it’s very energetic when it grows up. Malamutes are expert hunters and will kill wildlife and cats. Because they are also adept at digging, they are hard to keep fenced in all day.
- Australian Terrier
If you are looking for a small dog with attitude to spare, then you should consider an Australian Terrier. Like other terriers, they were bred for hunting small mammals and snakes; this means they are natural hunters and will chase anything – large or small. Terriers never know their size and will bravely go after their prey. They love to chase and run. The Australian Terrier, in particular, has mixed long and short hair, giving it a memorable appearance.
These are just ten unusual dog breeds. Who knows what new and exciting variety of dogs will be bred in the future! For ugly animals check out this list of the strangest looking animals on the planet.