We all know pregnancy cravings can be downright insane, but not one of these claims pregnancy as an excuse. These dishes are actual photos of meals that people were either served at a restaurant or made at home, and the chef in me is having a hard time getting over most of these concoctions. From Monster energy pickles (that one was a huge regret, thankfully) to people misunderstanding what blue cheese is, I’m really hoping most of these landed in the trash and not their mouths. I have to admit that just a handful of them look pretty tasty, and I might give them a try. Don’t judge me; judge them. It was their idea first.
#1: Pasta Water Coffee?
For those who are not aware, pasta is starch. Once you’ve boiled it up, that water is no longer the H2O we all know and love; it’s starch water. I guess this person gets points for trying to join the zero waste club, but that effort was undoubtedly wasted when they ended up throwing it away.
If you’re trying to join the zero waste club, maybe go the other way and boil your pasta in coffee. That way, you can get the caffeine and your proteins and carbs. I’m joking; please don’t do that. You’ll end up throwing it all out again! Just use the tap water and a French press. You won’t waste a drop after you try that deliciousness!