Now is the time of year when more and more people are getting up and getting more active. The weather is decent, and the parks are starting to open. Whether you opt to walk the trails or hit the gym, we are sharing some tips to help you make fitness goals with ease this year.
Focus on One Goal at a Time
Do not set too many goals at once. Try to set one goal at a time so that you are able to succeed with your goals. Take your time with setting your fitness goals and do your best to start with shorter goals and work towards long-term goals.
Write each goal down on a list so that you have your fitness goals in a visible area.
Set the Bar Low to Start
Be sure to set the bar low at first. This will ensure you stick with the plan and succeed with your fitness goals. You might want to jog more miles each day but have not jogged in ages. Then you will want to set your mileage goal for jogging a bit lower than normal until you work up to the larger goal.
Taking fitness goals one baby step at a time will encourage you to develop a habit with the fitness goals rather than start well and slowly slide off the fitness bandwagon.
Be Patient
Be patient with yourself during this process. Setting any goal is hard but setting fitness goals can be even harder. Do learn to be patient with yourself and allow some grace every step of the way. You may have a difficult day in the middle of some super easy days, that is understandable.
Practice the same level of patience with yourself that you would have for a pet or a child.
Know What Drives You
Another aspect of setting fitness goals that you will actually attain is to know what drives you. Understand the fuel inside that helps you continue the daily focus on these fitness goals. Perhaps it’s fear of not being healthy, maybe it’s some hope about your body image, it does not matter what it is – just know what drives you.
When you know what drives you, you will be more apt to stick with your fitness goals and feel fired up ready to work towards them every single day.
Define Success
Be certain to define success on your own terms. During this time, success in fitness goals is all about what you feel success is. Perhaps a short mile run each day is a success for you while doing 50 squats is success to someone else.
Know what you define success as so that you have a marker to know when you’ve achieved success with your fitness goals.
These are just some of the best ways to start making fitness goals that will work for you. We hope that you will use this list to inspire you to get up and get moving this year!