They say laughter is the best medicine and we believe that to be true. There’s something magical that happens when you sit and watch hilarious animal videos as a midday break. You start to feel happier as the stress of the day starts to roll off your shoulders. When you watch hilarious animal videos you’ll forget all about the real-life stressors, and responsibilities that [...]
The Man Who Quit His Job And Sold Everything To Travel With His Cat
There are thousands of adventure travel stories out there. However, only few can compare to the one I have in store for you. Let’s face it, not everyone is a dog person, sometimes man and cat can be the best of companions. But whoever thought a cat would make the perfect travel companion? Just think of it, you and your furry friend all alone taking that trip of a lifetime. [...]
Dogs Holding Down Jobs
While most dogs enjoy the sweet life of treats and lounging in the sun, others are hard at work. A highly-rated documentary television series called Dogs With Jobs highlighted some of the most hard-working canines out there. There are numerous breeds of dogs that can be trained in specific tasks that help people in various professions. Their work is mission critical on a daily [...]
Strange and Unusual Pet Facts
It's time to appreciate your fur baby even more by learning some unusual facts about your favorite animals. Impress your family and friends with this bountiful trivia knowledge. Dog Fun Facts Scientific evidence suggests dogs were first domesticated by men over 10,000 years ago. They have continued to be man’s best friend during that time, and you may be surprised to [...]
The Passenger Sitting Next To Me Was An Animal – Really
For many travelers flying is stressful with only a small screen serving to distract you during the many hours spent in the air, so what better way to cheer things up than discovering that an animal is sitting near you. We’ve collected the stories of real-life animal travelers to show you how cute it can be. Some of these are service animals, others are not, and it’s unclear [...]