The battle of the generations is a real thing on the Internet, and now it's the Millennials' turn. People shared memes and tweets to make you realize that age may be just a number, but that number is getting bigger every year. These pictures will do the job if you want to look back and reminisce—and realize how old you're getting. From relieving memories from your childhood to [...]
48 Times People Showed Just How Creatively Resourceful Human Beings Can Be
Thinking outside the box doesn't come easily for everyone, but sometimes, we face situations that force us to think big and let our creativity shine. For example, you want to make pasta, but you find out at the last minute you don't have a colander at hand; you want to heat your pizza, but there's no microwave around. Situations like these call for improvisations and thinking [...]
50 Visually Intriguing Ads That Target the Consumer in the Best Way
While nobody really likes advertisements, they have become a necessary evil. And they are everywhere: on our buses, our TV screens, our phones, and the street. Sometimes, however, some advertisements are better than others. We don't know about you, but we like an advertisement that is thought-provoking, fun to watch or look at, and, more than all these other things, funny. As [...]
68 Historical Photographs That Help Us Understand What Life Was Like in the 1920s
The 1920s were an age of prosperity and sophistication in the U.S. It was a different time characterized by vibrant culture of jazz music, flappers, and clandestine bootleggers. For those of us who weren't around during that time, photos are the best way we have to understand what those years looked like and symbolized in American culture. These captivating photos from the Jazz [...]
No Duh, Sherlock: 40 Hilarious Times the Joke Went Over People’s Heads
Have you ever been that person at a party or in an online group chat who got called out for letting a joke go so far over your head it can put its flag on the moon? Thanks to social media, we assure you you're not the only one. If you want to make yourself feel a little better about missing the joke, scroll through your favorite social media platforms, and you're sure to make [...]